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Potty Training in One Day - The Essential System for Girls w/DVD Potty Training can be stressful on both parents and kids. But it should be a special time, a time of empowerment for your child. The makers of Potty Scotty and Potty Patty understand this, which is why they've developed a system designed to take the hassle and guesswork out of potty training! Potty Patty is a potty training doll that comes wearing a diaper underneath her two piece outfit. She and your little girl will both take
- The Potty Scotty boy potty training doll
- 3 "big kid" doll potty training pants
- 2 Bottles to feed Potty Scotty
- Potty Training in One Day - Book & DVD Set
- 6 specially designed Potty Training Pants for your child
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